In 1994, the City of Sunnyvale preserved ten acres of Blenheim apricot trees to celebrate the important contribution of orchards to the early development of the local economy. The orchard was designated as Heritage Orchard Park by the Historical Society in 1997. The ten-acre orchard has about 80 trees per acre for a total of about 800 trees. In addition, the Orchard Heritage Park Interpretive Exhibit (OHPIE) was built in 2001 next to the orchard. The open barn-like structure presents interpretive displays of the lives of the orchard workers and the process of cultivating and canning fruit in the first half of the 20th Century. Examples of early cultivators and other ranching equipment border the exhibit. The Sunnyvale Heritage Park Museum opened next to the orchard in 2008. Photos of the apricot orchard follow.
Video of apricot tree laden with fruit, June 21, 2015

Apricot sapling, part of the regular replacement of trees as they age past peak production, June 30, 2019
To view another series of orchard views taken from the same spot, click here.
Learn more from local author Robin Chapman’s book “California Apricots – The Lost Orchards of Silicon Valley” available for purchase in the Museum Gift Shop.
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