Sunnyvale Historical Society and Museum Association, Inc.  
Sunnyvale Heritage Park Museum


Docents from the Sunnyvale Historical Association present an educational program for more 1500 school children each year. In the 2011-2012 school year, 1600 third grade students from 18 different local schools visited the museum through our school program.

At present these field trips include:
  • A brief history of the Martin Murphy, Jr. family and the city of Sunnyvale
  • A tour of the museum’s exhibit rooms on the first floor of the museum
  • Hands-on experiences with artifacts from life over 100 years ago
The concept of living without indoor plumbing or electricity (no computer games or CD’s) allows the students to compare their lives today with those of children 100 years ago. Using the museum’s collection of artifacts, the students do laundry with a washtub, wringer, and flatiron; use rug beaters; sit in school desks and explore school supplies and activities; try on period clothes; and do an "antique search." They also make a craft from the period.
At this time, the program is geared for Third Grade Students and curriculum. There is NO CHARGE for the school visits. However, we suggest that teachers and students bring donations to support the museum and the hard work of the volunteers.
School Program Photos:   Please click photo for larger view.

Comments from teachers:
"Well organized. Docents worked very well with children."
"The museum makes history come alive for students."
"Excellent field trip that kept students engaged."
"The entire presentation and all the activities are very age appropriate, engaging, and well organized."
"Outstanding - one of our favorite field trips."
"This field trip really helped reinforce what we have been learning about in Social Studies."
"Docents are amazing."
"There was a perfect balance of hands-on activities and sit-down informational time."
Comments from students:
"It’s the best field trip."
"I learned a lot at the museum."
"Thank you for the great tour. It was great."
"I appreciate you bringing me to the past."
"I enjoyed the activities we did because we got to feel how being a kid was 100 years ago."
"Thank you for teaching me wonderful things."
"I enjoyed eating apricots, making our own toys, and well, just learning about the trip to Sunnyvale."
"Thank you for teaching us about the Murphy family. They have a great history."
"I truly enjoyed this field trip."
"I liked playing the games, doing chores, and dressing up in old clothes."